Dr. Kristina andDr. StephanGirthofer
By combining orthodontics and oral surgery, we are able to choose the treatment method that is perfectly suited to you and your desired treatment outcome. We offer you the concentrated expertise of highly qualified doctors and dentists. You benefit from our specialisation in a wide range of fields, our many years of experience and our continuous further training.
The specialist dentists Dres. Girthofer and colleagues offer you a wide range of services in all areas of dental surgery, modern and scientifically based dental implantology with all bone-building measures and the entire spectrum of paediatric and adult orthodontics.

Dr. Stephan Girthofer
Member of the following scientific societies:
- DGZMK (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Mund und Kieferheilkunde)
- DGI (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Implantologie)
- BDIZ (Bundesverband der implantologisch tätigen Zahnärzte in Europa e.V.)
- DGZI (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahnärztliche Implantologie)
- BDO (Berufsverband Deutscher Oralchirurgen)
- DGSZM (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sportzahnmedizin)
Studied dentistry at the Centre for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
State Exam 1988- 1993
Licence to practise and scientific assistant in the Department of Dental Prosthetics and Materials Science, Prof. Dr. H. Weber 1993- 1995
Promotion 1995
Start of further training as a specialist dentist for oral surgery in Esslingen, practice Dr. Dr. A. Foernzler 1995- 1996
Research assistant in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Prof. Dr. Dr. M. Ehrenfeld 1997- 2000
Recognition as specialist dentist for oral surgery 2000
Recognition of the specialist activity and the activity focus implantology DGI, DGZI, BDIZ 2001
Practice founded and established at Bräuhausstr. 8 Munich-Centre in 2001 as an exclusively oral surgery referral practice, with a focus on implantology and an affiliated 3-D diganostic centre.
Accompanying work in the development of the piezo ultrasonic device Satellec Acteon (Bordeaux/France) as well as lecturing activities at home and abroad (mainly Russia) 2002- until today
Curriculum Implant Prosthetics University Krems (Academic Expert – Implant Prosthetics) 2005
Lecturer for implantology and oral surgery at the eafz (European Academy for Dental Continuing Education) National and international lecturing activities in the field of implantology, 3-dimensional bone augmentation techniques (augmentative therapies), piezosurgery techniques 2008- 2013
Supervision and observation practice within the framework of further training in implantology for the DGI since 2013
2021: certified for sports dentistry by the DGSZM

Dr. Kristina Girthofer
Long-standing member of the professional associations
BDK (Association of German Orthodontists) and IUK/ GBO (German Board of Orthodontics and Orofacial Orthopedics)
- Certified Invisalign user since 2008
- Certified as Damon Master 2010
- Certification as Expert in passive Orthodontics (2018)
- Additional training in systemic coaching (IFW Munich)
Studied dentistry at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
(1988 – 1994)
Licence to practise dentistry (1994)
Research assistant at the Polyclinic for Dental Prosthetics ( Prof. Dr. H. Weber), and the Department for Temporomandibular Joint Disorders / Functional Disorders (PD Dr. E. Engel), University of Tübingen (1995 – 1997)
Research assistant at the Polyclinic for Orthodontics, University of Tübingen ( Prof. G. Göz) (1995-2001)
Main focus on temporomandibular joint therapy in orthodontics
Awarded the Research Prize of the German Orthodontic Society with the Arnold Biber Prize for special scientific achievements in the field of orthodontics (1998)
Specialist dentist examination and appointment as specialist dentist for orthodontics (2001)
Established in the orthodontic group practice in Munich (2002-2004) Dr. Schatzl/ Dr. Girthofer
Since 2004 in private practice as a specialist dentist for orthodontics in joint practice with Dr. Stephan Girthofer, specialist dentist for oral surgery, Munich, Centre